ETT Museum
║ /chatroom ║ ETT's most popular chatroom. ║
║ Spam will be removed! ║
║ See /chatroom/msg for older messages. ║
║ ║
║ Rules: ║
║ •Do not edit the top box. ║
║ •Do not delete other users’s messages. ║
║ •Do not impersonate other users. ║
║ ║
║ Format: "Name: Message" ║
Caca1234: This page has been vandalized. Last IP:
tlras joined !
tlras: some random owot user was here
b: what is ETT?
tlras: you're here (ETT is short for "Edit the Text")
b: gotcha!
b: Long live the chatroom! Have a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and/or Acadian Day which we celebrate here on Friday (black friday).
b: I'd love to see info on creation of emojimix!
exp8090: Hi! Is anybody alive here?
tlras: i am breathing, yes
exp8090: yay) just found out about this site, how active is it?
Caca1234: Welcome to Edit The Text beware of griefers that will remove your text
exp8090: Analyzed info about ETT and how text sending works here. Have few ideas
For example, python script that protects header&old messages in chat, but allows to send new ones
tlras: That's a neat idea, but still would not prevent impersonating other users as you could still put whatever name you want; in fact, it could be worse in some ways since you would have no way to change these false entries. I believe it would need some form of authentication to be effective, but then what stops someone from snooping on the page and stealing user tokens/passwords/etc?
exp8090: The first idea is to make unique secret pages (URL will be the key), where you write your msg and it appears in the chat. But there's still a problem with how to do and automate URL delivery. Maybe kind of instant-clearing page with inputs e.g. nickname and URL. Need time to think about more options
Btw, I'm spending some time exploring ETT. Found too many griefed pages :( but there's still a lot of interesting things. Trying to backup everything
tlras: Since you're making a Python script that interfaces with ETT, here's a library I made to make that task a bit simpler:
I'm still working on getting it on PyPI and documenting some things in the wiki, but it is fully functional.
Caca1234: This page has been overwritten by
exp8090: Wow, thx for library :3 Btw, it's pretty intense at my work now, so I don't have much time. I’ll come back to this in a week or two.
Caca1234: We should make a script that automatically backs up every important page.
tlras: that wouldn't be too hard to make, i'll come back in a day or two with a configurable auto-backup program :)
Record58: hey guys i'm new here, i made edit/unicode
Record58: holy s**t you actually believe stuff like this?
Soda: Me
Caca1234: Hi check this page I made edit/rules
EeveeGaming joined !
EeveeGaming: Did you know some adress have spaces ?
185: hello everyone ^^
Caca1234: Hi
185: hello caca1234, nice to meet you
DoctorIGP: I support Caca1234's rules.
185: Caca1234's rules seem very fair, I also support them and I also think that if someone
griefs a page or top box, you should be allowed to edit it back
O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Bilithwharving] --------------------------------------------------------------------O
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| Try to learn the constructed languages Yán Koryáni (from Tékumel), Mark Okrand's Atlаnteаn, Verdurian (from Virtual Verduria), Viveena (from Star Trek), |
| Borginian (from Ace Attorney), Klingon (from Star Trek), Sindarin (from Lord of the Rings), Sіmlish, and Lingua Ignota. |
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| Would you like to learn Tungsheer English using the following link? |
| Learn more at |
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185: Yeah, it's pretty quiet here.
185: This page was griefed by [wtf bro]
DoctorIGP: Thank you for restoring it.
Vetzla: Hello hello! I am a rando exploring this website. What's new here?
Record58: Griefed... yet again, by some russian guy named [no ip]
Caca1234: Hi... Thank you for restoring.
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber joined !
exp8090 left !
Record58: I'm sorry, I won't let you have some Eevee figures.
DoctorIGP: Uh... why?
185: This page was griefed by
Caca1234: [fake comment censored by caca1234]
185: This page was griefed by
Caca1234: Aw, ####.
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /callbilithwharving
AdHandlerBot: O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Bilithwharving] --------------------------------------------------------------------O
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| Okay |
| Okay |
| jIyIntaHvIS not qajegh. |
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O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Bilithwharving] --------------------------------------------------------------------O
b: What?
b: Ia... Naʻu mālamaʻole.
b: Ia... aha?
tlras: What?
tlras: 嗯⋯⋯我不知道。
tlras: 嗯⋯⋯我不懂。
tlras: Dag dag.
tlras: This means "goodbye" in Sіmlish. Unfortunately, I don't know enough Sіmlish words to be considered fluent.
tlras: Dag dag.
tlras left !
b: Dag dag.
b left !
Caca1234: Dag dag.
Caca1234 left !
DoctorIGP: Dag dag.
DoctorIGP left !
Vetzla: Dag dag.
Vetzla left !
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber left !
Caca1234 joined !
Caca1234: Someone added this ^ xD
Caca1234 left !
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber joined !
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /callbilithwharving
AdHandlerBot: Try to learn the constructed languages Talaxian (from Star Trek), Yán Koryáni (from Tékumel), Mark Okrand's Atlаnteаn, Verdurian (from Virtual Verduria), Viveena (from Star Trek), Borginian (from Ace Attorney), Klingon (from Star Trek), Sindarin (from Lord of the Rings), Sіmlish (騂唎語), and Lingua Ignota.
O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Bilithwharving] --------------------------------------------------------------------O
| |
| Try to learn the constructed languages Talaxian (from Star Trek), Yán Koryáni (from Tékumel), Mark Okrand's Atlаnteаn, Verdurian (from Virtual Verduria), |
| Viveena (from Star Trek), Borginian (from Ace Attorney), Klingon (from Star Trek), Sindarin (from Lord of the Rings), Sіmlish (騂唎語), and Lingua Ignota. |
| |
| Would you like to learn Tungsheer English using the following link? |
| Learn more at |
| |
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~zh-TW diamond
TranslatorBot: Translating diamond from English (United States) to Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)...
TranslatorBot: Result: 鑽石
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~mis_vvn girl
TranslatorBot: Translating girl from English (United States) to Viveena (from Star Trek)...
TranslatorBot: Result: kresta
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~tlh hoof
TranslatorBot: Translating hoof from English (United States) to Klіngоn...
TranslatorBot: Result: lem
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~mis_kah hungry
TranslatorBot: Translating hungry from English (United States) to Kah...
TranslatorBot: Result: kike
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~mis_vvn home
TranslatorBot: Translating home from English (United States) to Viveena (from Star Trek)...
TranslatorBot: Result: ardani
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~mis_kah daddy
TranslatorBot: Translating daddy from English (United States) to Kah...
TranslatorBot: Result: baba
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber: /translate en-US~mis_kah therefore
TranslatorBot: Translating therefore from English (United States) to Kah...
TranslatorBot: Result: echu
LDMbrooksWawOfAntimber left !
Caca1234: Hi
MarbledCloud Joined!
MarbledCloud: Heyy... does anyone even come here anymore? I want to know. Just... respond if you can.
Caca1234: Yes some people are active and I check this page almost every day but most people are inactive.
MarbledCloud: Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't think many people were active.
Rospa: What's up guys
TheUserThatUsesSomeVPN joined!
TheUserThatUsesSomeVPN: What's up guys, this is a pretty cool chatroom.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: This reminds me of AOL.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I wanna back this up in the WayBack Machine since it hasn't been backed up since 2021!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I finally backed it up in the WayBack Machine! So here's the link!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN has shared an attachment:
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ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I think I guess so..
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I think there should be a "Profile" type system.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: The profile type system might be something like..
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I decided to make the concept lol!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: It also has redirect links because why not.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Imma go leave so WEEEEEEEE.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN left!
kettlebee joined!
kettlebee: hi everyone I'm cocoa!!! X)
clara joined !
clara: hi
kettlebee: **** this I'm gone
kettlebee left!
clara:let's play roblox!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN reconnected!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: WHO KICKED ME?!?!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Unless if someone messaged first before me senting my meesages...
kettlebee joined!
kettlebee: is it alive yet?
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Who are you talking about? Clara?
kettlebee: the chat???
kettlebee: oh
Caca1234 joined !
Caca1234: @ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN, I like the profile system. However it should be backed up to avoid vandalism.
Caca1234 left!
kettlebee: augh
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Yea, I backed up a few of these profilelists, I need to back up more lol.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I also noticed that your profile uses the outdated format of 1.6.2, I decided to update it to the format of 1.7.6.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: And I forgot to say, but thanks @Caca1234.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN left !
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN joined !
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: This page got vandalize again by!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Luckily I got a backup from Google Docs!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN lefted !
Caca1234 joined!
Caca1234: Oh okay .
kettlebee joined!
kettlebee: oh man omori is so cool
kettlebee left!
Caca1234: what is omori?
Caca1234 left!
kettlebee joined!
kettlebee: omori is a rpg horror game
kettlebee left!
Jonas R. Howitzer joined!
Jonas R. Howitzer: Are you interested in my page? edit/guard
Jonas R. Howitzer left!
kettlebee joined!
kettlebee: cocoa dont care
Caca1234 joined!
Caca1234: /itc has been vandalised just letting you know
Caca1234: and I made a wiki at
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN joined!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Hmmmm..
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: How did @Janas R. Howitzer talked without having the words "Janas R. Howitzer joined" message?
Caca1234: There, I added it.
Caca1234: I made a page named /news where news articles appear.
Caca1234 left!
yagton: It's neat to see that this place is still alive and has a somewhat active community;
I saw one of you advertising on OWOT (which is where i spend most of my time now).
I find the join/leave messages to be a little strange though, those certainly didn't
exist on ETT's original /chatroom, nor do I think they add any value.
yagton: BTW for anyone who doesn't recognize my nickname, I'm an OWOT user/developer who
used to frequent ETT (during the HTWins Era) under the handle "Chatrumor".
| Proof here:
My IP changes very frequenly, so IDK a good way of proving identity for my messages
other than "just trust me" or PGP signatures (which is tedious).
That's one of the reasons I frequent OWOT a lot more now; it has accounts.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: By the way, the WayBack Machine says it all
and yea there wasn't any "Name joined!" or "Name lefted!" really but someone
did add it into edit/chatroom.
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Just created an OurWorldOfText account I guess...
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Oh my God, OWOT's chat has people saying slurs!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: OWOT IS FUN!
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: When I went into edit/useroftheweek, the IP was censored,
so I made a poll. Should I censor IPs in the Profile System?
ThatUserTHatUsesSomeVPN: ╔══════╦══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ Poll ║ Should the IPs in the profile System be censored?║
║1. Yes, censor the IPs for privacy. ║
║2. No, we need them. ║
║Version: 1.2 ║
║Format: Name: fork ║
║Powered by ║
Caca1234: I lost my Owot account few years ago so I'm gonna make a new one soon.
Caca1234: i vote for 1.
caca1234: because we don't need to be that precise
EeveeGaming : f*ck guys who speaking at my place
EeveeGaming : dammit
EeveeGaming : instead to writing on this notepad alternative but online, why do you not join my server ?? (
EeveeGaming : It's not safe here
EeveeGaming : deleted All the fake messages :)
EeveeGaming : yeah i choose 1 for vote
kettlebee : hi
kettlebee : it is i , the ascii person thing
Caca1234: we should remove the text that say that bob marley, doctorigp and riasarlpha are admins they are not here anymore
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: So who's the admins now?
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Also, KettleBee/CocoaPowderr lefted OWOT.
Funny_Doer joined!
Funny_Doer: Speaking of OWOT, I Made a Public Notepad There! ^v^
Funny_Doer: ┌─┐┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ ╔═╗╔═╗╔╗╔╔╦╗
├─┘│├─┘├┤ └─┐ ╠╣ ║ ║║║║ ║
┴ ┴┴ └─┘└─┘ ╚ ╚═╝╝╚╝ ╩ made at
cocoapowderr: augh
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: Where's the so called public notepad in?
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN disconnected !
Funny_Doer: bruh its in
Funny_Doer left!
yagton: Personally, I think an account system should exist and users that aren't logged in can be then
identified with an ID that is generated from their IP address in a non-reversable manner.
One method for generating these IDs is as such:
SHA-256(IP address + secret value stored on server) trunicated to 8 hex digits.
yagton: At least that's what I would do if I were to make an ETT clone of my own.
binbows 10: be sure to use a vpn or tor when editing the text, or your ip will get leaked
yagton: Frankly, I do not care if my IP is known. There's absolutely nothing you can do with it other than
see inaccurate, approximate location, and I know you're not going to search my whole city looking for me,
so why bother hiding it?
The private "IP ID" thing is mostly to make the site more palatable to tech noobs who know nothing about
network security other than "hide ip at all costs", not to provide actual protection.
The only situation in which knowledge of an IP is an actual security risk is if you have a vulnerable service
running on your network that has been port-forwarded, which means you have bigger issues to worry about other
than just trying to hide the oh so special number that's probably already indexed on Shodan anyway.
funny_doer joined!
funny_doer: is username changing allowed
funny_doer: guess it is
funny_doer changed his username to f o r k!
Shiloranxxer joined!
Shiloranxxer: what
cocoapowderr: I havent seen tutusvpn in a while :[
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN joined !
ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN: I came back, if you're wondering why my IP
a Canadian IP, that's because I got rid of
all my VPNs and decided to use TOR due to
most free VPNs not being secure.
cocoapowderr: hii!!!!
caca1234: @ThatUserThatUsesSomeVPN (responding the question asked a long time ago)
I don't think we need any admins
Tomahawkid: Do new chats get added at the top or at the bottom?
Tomahawkid: Excellent, thanks for the help!
caca1234: your welcome
Vetzla joined !
Vetzla: yo yo yo whats up
speaking of vpn, i use a french vpn. oui
Vetzla: irrelevan't but i've been here twice
caca1234: who wants to play a game at /games/ttt
notcarykh: hello people
caca1234: @notcarykh | hi
caca1234: @Vetzla | hi
caca1234: Should we reset the chat?